The selfie is an art — a delicate tightrope walk between posterity and vanity — which is why one posted this weekend by Fox News contributor Geraldo Rivera sent currents of unrest throughout the Web.
Setting aside the fact that the 70-year-old TV personality appears almost in the nude, the snap was just not as artful as it could have been. So MTV News turned to the master of the selfie's photofeed — yes, that would be Justin Bieber — for some guidance on how Rivera could have made his photo POP.
has since taken down the photo, which he tweeted Saturday with the
caption "70 is the new 50 (Erica and family are going to be so pissed
... but at my age...)." But if he ever decides to turn the lens on
himself again, here's five Bieber-sourced tips he should heed:
Setting aside the fact that the 70-year-old TV personality appears almost in the nude, the snap was just not as artful as it could have been. So MTV News turned to the master of the selfie's photofeed — yes, that would be Justin Bieber — for some guidance on how Rivera could have made his photo POP.
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